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How can I active several hover event in some separated sibling components simultaneously by hovering on each of them?

I have three separated React component (a button, an image and a paragraph for example) which each of them has its hover event styled in its separated scss file. All of the components are sibling. I want each of these hover events works by hover on any of other elements. Is it possible by scss or I should do it by React JS? How should I do that?


  • You could achieve that with :hover css pseudo-class on the parent element, and specify the ruleset with appropriate child selector. For example:

    div:hover img {
      /* some styling */
    div:hover p {
      /* some styling */
    div:hover button {
      /* some styling */
      <img />
      <p>some paragraph</p>
      <button>Press me!</button>

    You can read more about :hover here, and about css selectors here