I have 12 Shapes named (Jan till Dec) and I have only one Agenda for those buttons, if the shape is clicked once, then the Name of the Shape has to be updated in J4 Cell and if any shape is clicked twice, the Name of the Shape has to update in M4 Cell. I have researched the code and tried to figure out the code from one of the Answers provided (Double Click Event on Shapes) and the following code I'm using:
Public LastClickObj As String, LastClickTime As Date
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
Set WsCharts = Wb.Sheets("Trend Charts")
Set UBMainChart = WsCharts.ChartObjects("UBMainChart")
Set UBMonthlyYTDSht = Wb.Worksheets("UM - Monthly & YTD Trend")
btnMonthName = WsCharts.Shapes(Application.Caller).Name
If LastClickObj = "" Then
LastClickObj = Application.Caller
LastClickTime = CDbl(Timer)
If CDbl(Timer) - LastClickTime > 0.25 Then
LastClickObj = Application.Caller
LastClickTime = CDbl(Timer)
WsCharts.Range("J4").Value = btnMonthName
If LastClickObj = Application.Caller Then
MsgBox ("Double Click")
LastClickObj = ""
WsCharts.Range("M4").Value = btnMonthName
LastClickObj = Application.Caller
LastClickTime = CDbl(Timer)
End If
End If
End If
The problem is that even If I do a Single Click or Double Click, the value is updating only in J4 Cell which naturally taking it as a Single Click. I don't understand where it is going wrong.
Appreciate your help!
I have figured out myself without multiple Clicks... The Code works in the below-mentioned process:
Following the code I used:
If LastClickObj = "" Then
LastClickObj = Application.Caller
WsCharts.Range("J4").Value = btnMonthName
If LastClickObj = Application.Caller Then
Exit Sub
WsCharts.Range("M4").Value = btnMonthName
LastClickObj = ""
End If
End If