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Game Object deletes itself without having Destroy() in the script

I am creating a Space simultation in Unity using Newtons Law of gravitation and Centripetal force calculations to re-create the motion of the planets. Recently i have tried to implement realistic masses such as 3.285e+23 and i have converted them to managable numbers using a massScale 1e-24f. but since implementing these new masses and converting them, the smaller planet of the three has started deleting itself shortly after runtime without any error being thrown. I will also add that i dont have any sort of Destroy Line in my code either.

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    public class PlanetVelocity : MonoBehaviour
        private Gravity _gravity;
        public float v;
        public bool debugBool;
        public GameObject Sun;
        private Rigidbody rb;
        private Vector3 dif;

        public static List<GameObject> AllPlanets;
        private const float distScale = 1e-7f;
        private const float massScale = 1e-24f;
        private const float gravity = 6.674e-11f;
        public float mass = 5.972e24f;
        private Vector3 motion;
        [Header("Orbital Data")]
        public float velocity = 29.8f;
        public float distance = 148900000f;
    //TODO: Convert weight units to KG and use realistic weights for planetary bodies
    /*Calculate velocity using v = sqrt[(G M )/r]*/
    /*Get the Planet to look at the sun*/
    /*Apply V to the transform.right of the planet to have perpendicular motion*/
    void Start()
        _gravity = FindObjectOfType<Gravity>();
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        rb.mass = mass * massScale;

    void DebugClass()
            Debug.Log($"Mass Scale {rb.mass}");
            //Debug.DrawRay(gameObject.transform.position, motion,;
           // Debug.Log($"Calculated Velocity = {v} Difference {dif} Motion {motion}");
    void ObjectLook()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3 sunPos = new Vector3(Sun.transform.position.x, Sun.transform.position.y, Sun.transform.position.z);
        Vector3 planetPos = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y,

        Vector3 dif = sunPos - planetPos;
        float r = dif.sqrMagnitude;

        v = Mathf.Sqrt(_gravity.f * rb.mass) / r;
        //v = Mathf.Sqrt(_gravity.G * rb.mass / r ) ;

        Vector3 motion = transform.up * v;
        if (gameObject.transform.position.x > 0 && gameObject.transform.position.y > 0)
            motion.x = Math.Abs(motion.x);
            motion.y = -Math.Abs(motion.y);

        if (gameObject.transform.position.x > 0 && gameObject.transform.position.y < 0)
            motion.x = -Math.Abs(motion.x);
            motion.y = -Math.Abs(motion.y);

        rb.velocity = motion;

and here is my script controlling gravitational pull towards the sun, based off of what game objects are withing the sphere collider range of the sun.

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;

    public class Gravity : MonoBehaviour
        public float f; //force

        private const float massScale = 1e-24f;
        public float mass = 1.989e+30f;
        public float G = 6.674e-11f; //Gravitational Constant
        private Rigidbody m1;//Mass 1 The Sun ( this Game Object)
        private Rigidbody m2;//Mass 2 Planet
        private Vector3 r1;
        public Vector3 FORCE;
        public bool debugBool;

    void Start()
        Time.timeScale = 50f;

    private void Awake()
        m1 = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        m1.mass = mass * massScale;

    private void DebugClass()
        if (debugBool)
            Debug.Log($"r1 {r1.normalized} FORCE {FORCE}");

    private void Update()

    private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        //declares rigidbody locally
        Rigidbody m2;
        //assigns other objects rigidbody to m2
        m2 = other.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
        // get sun position
        Vector3 Sun = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y, gameObject.transform.position.z);
        // planet
        Vector3 otherPlanet = new Vector3(other.gameObject.transform.position.x, other.gameObject.transform.position.y, other.gameObject.transform.position.z);
        //Difference between each object
        Vector3 r1 = Sun - otherPlanet;
        //Difference between each object squared
        float r2 = r1.sqrMagnitude;
        float distance = r1.magnitude;
        /// Calculates Force by Mutliplying Gravitational
        /// constant by the mass of each object divided 
        /// by the distance between each object squared
        /// <summary>
        f = G * m1.mass * m2.mass / r2;
        //Assigns the value r1 normalized between 0 and 1
        //multiplied by F independent of frames per second
        Vector3 FORCE = r1.normalized * f * Time.deltaTime;
        // Adds force to the other game objects rigidbody using the FORCE vector
        // Using the Force force mode



  • I had issues with extremely small float numbers on my Rigidbody transform and thus unity was deactivating the game object before it overflowed, my solution was to multiply the physic calculations i used by a 'PhysicsMultiplier' and this solved my issues completely