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VBA, How to open new excel instance

When I have don't have the excel APP open, the following error is thrown :

ActiveX Component can't create object

Steps to reproduce issue :

1 Open Outlook, ALT + F11 And Insert the following sub :

Sub Test()
  Dim myXL As New Excel.Application
  Set myXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
  Set wb = myXL.Workbooks.Open("MyPath\MyXL.xlsx")
End Sub
  1. Close ALL your excel files

  2. Run the sub Test from outlook.

The Error will be thrown on :

Set myXL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")

How can I avoid this error ?


  • A better option should be the next way, I think:

       Dim objexcel As Object
       On Error Resume Next 'firstly, try catching the existing open session, if any:
        Set objexcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
        If err.Number <> 0 Then 'if  no any existing session, create a new one:
            err.Clear: Set objexcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
        End If
       On Error GoTo 0

    Having a reference to 'Microsoft Excel ... Object library` you can declare

    Dim objexcel As Excel.Application

    and benefit of the intellisense suggestions...

    It is also possible to find an Excel open session if you know the full name of a specific workbook open in it:

       Set objExcel = GetObject(ThisWorkbook.fullName).Application   
       Debug.Print objExcel.hwnd

    Or even for a new workbook, open by a third party application, in a new session, as "Book1":

       Set objExcel = GetObject("Book1").Application
       Debug.Print objExcel.hwnd

    If the respective application drops new workbooks (and opens them in the same session), naming them as "Book2", "Book3" and so on, a loop building the workbook name bay concatenation of "Book" root with the incremented variable can be used to get it.