In mapbox v9 I could animate the camera using the animatecamera method.
In mapbox v10 it says to use flyTo
or easeTo
. However none of these methods exist in the mapboxMap object?
mapView = findViewById(
mapboxMap = mapView.getMapboxMap()
mapboxMap.flyTo(); //Method not found??
Sorry but I am not familiar with Kotlin, so this question is for a java based solution.
Mapbox help section:
Received the answer elsewhere. Correct way to animate the camera in java is as below:
final Cancelable cancelable = CameraAnimationsUtils.easeTo(mapView.getMapboxMap(), new CameraOptions.Builder().zoom(5.0).build(), new MapAnimationOptions.Builder().duration(4000).build());
// or to get actual object of animation plugin and call functions directly with it
final CameraAnimationsPlugin camera = CameraAnimationsUtils.getCamera(mapView);
final Cancelable cancelable = camera.easeTo(
new CameraOptions.Builder().zoom(5.0).build(),
new MapAnimationOptions.Builder().duration(4000).build()