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Red Black Trees getting merged?

I have 6 Red Black trees filled with different data, but the further down I go, the more my trees get mixed up. I've commented out all but two of them, here's my code for those two trees.

Scanner co2DateFile = new Scanner(new File("co2.csv"));
Scanner co2NumFile = new Scanner(new File("co2.csv"));

RedBlackBST co2DateKey = new RedBlackBST();
RedBlackBST co2NumKey = new RedBlackBST();

while (co2DateFile.hasNextLine()) {                 
    String[] line3 = co2DateFile.nextLine().split(",");
    if (line3[0].equals("World")) {
        LocalDate date = parseDateString(line3[2]);
        String stringDate = date.toString();
        co2DateKey.root = co2DateKey.put(co2DateKey.root, stringDate, line3[3]);
while (co2NumFile.hasNextLine()) {                  
    String[] line4 = co2NumFile.nextLine().split(",");
    if (line4[0].equals("World")) {
        co2NumKey.root = co2NumKey.put(co2NumKey.root, line4[3], line4[2]);


I'm using the same file for both trees, but using different pieces of data for the keys and values. If I print co2DateKey inorder, then it prints the keys/values for co2DateKey and co2NumKey, but if I comment out the code for co2NumKey, then co2DateKey only prints its own keys/values. I'm not sure where they're getting crossed, so any help would be appreciated.

Here's my RedBlackBST class:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

class Node
    Node left;
    Node right;     // initializing Nodes and variables
    String key;
    String value;
    String type;
    boolean color;          // true means color is red, false is black
    Node(String key, String value)
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;
        left = null;
        right = null;
        color = true;       // new nodes are always red
public class RedBlackBST {
    public static Node root = null;     // root initialized
    public Node rotateLeft(Node myNode)
        Node child = myNode.right;
        Node childLeft = child.left;        // assigning variables
        child.left = myNode;    
        myNode.right = childLeft;           // rotating nodes to the left
        return child;
    public Node rotateRight(Node myNode)
        Node child = myNode.left;       // assigning variables
        Node childRight = child.right;
        child.right = myNode;           // rotating nodes to the right
        myNode.left = childRight;
        return child;
    public void flipColors(Node x, Node y)  // flipping colors of two given nodes
        boolean temp = x.color;                 // uses temp to store color of first node
        x.color = y.color;              // first node takes second node's color
        y.color = temp;                 // second node takes first node's color
    public String get(String key) {
        return get(root, key);              // this function is called from main, which calls recursive get

    private String get(Node x, String key) {
        while (x != null) {
            int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);     // compares current key with the one we are searching for
            if (cmp < 0) 
                x = x.left;
            else if (cmp > 0)
                x = x.right;                // recursively searches through tree until key is found
                return x.value;         // returns value associated with said key
        return null;

    public boolean getColor(String key) {
        return getColor(root, key);     // this function is called from main, which calls recursive getColor
    private boolean getColor(Node x, String key) {
        while (x != null) {
            int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);     // same idea as get
            if (cmp < 0) 
                x = x.left;
            else if (cmp > 0)       // recursively searches through tree to find key
                x = x.right;
                return x.color;     // returns color of node associated with said key
        return false;
    public boolean isRed(Node myNode)
        if (myNode == null)             // checks color of node passed into function, returns true if red
            return false;
        return (myNode.color == true);
    // insertion into Left Leaning Red Black Tree.
    public Node put(Node myNode, String key, String value)
        // inserting node, checks for violations to left leaning red black tree come next
        if (myNode == null)
            return new Node(key, value);
        if (key.compareTo(myNode.key) < 0)                  // compares keys, recursive calls to find proper spot
            myNode.left = put(myNode.left, key, value);
        else if (key.compareTo(myNode.key) > 0)
            myNode.right = put(myNode.right, key, value);
        else if (key.equals(myNode.key) == true)            // if key is already in tree, numeric value is replaced
            myNode.value = value;                   
            return myNode;
        // case 1.
        // when right child is Red but left child is
        // Black or doesn't exist.
        if (isRed(myNode.right) && !isRed(myNode.left))
            myNode = rotateLeft(myNode);                    // left rotate the node to make it into valid structure.
            flipColors(myNode, myNode.left);                // swap the colors as the child node should always be red
        // case 2
        // when left child as well as left grand child are Red
        if (isRed(myNode.left) && isRed(myNode.left.left))
            myNode = rotateRight(myNode);                           // right rotate the current node to make it into a valid structure, then flip colors
            flipColors(myNode, myNode.right);
        // case 3
        // when both left and right child are Red in color.
        if (isRed(myNode.left) && isRed(myNode.right))
            myNode.color = !myNode.color;                   // invert the color of node as well it's left and right child
            myNode.left.color = false;                      // change the color to black
            myNode.right.color = false;
        return myNode;
    public Iterable<String> keys(Node node, Queue<String> queue) {      // uses inorder traversal to put keys in right order
        if (node != null)
            keys(node.left, queue);
            queue.add(node.key);            // adds each key to queue in correct order
            keys(node.right, queue);
        return queue;       // returns queue after all keys have been added
    public String highest(Node node) {
        Node current = node;
        while (current.right != null) {
            current = current.right;
        return current.key;
    void inorder(Node node)
        if (node != null)
            System.out.println(node.key + " " + node.value);


  • Problem is here:

    public static Node root = null;     // root initialized

    The root is declared static, which means it is shared between all instances of RedBlackBST. They all have the same root. Sure they will be mixed up.

    Remove the static keyword.