Search code examples

VLOOKUP & TEXTJOIN - Return data from 2 columns, and join them into a single column

How can I use VLOOKUP, and return 2 columns of data joined into 1 column?

  • Solution must be ARRAYFORMULA compatible.

Here is a current working formula that will return the first & last name in a different column.


Here is a non-working formula How do I fix this formula to make it return {2,3} in a single column?

=VLOOKUP(Sheet2!A2:A,Sheet1!A2:C,TEXTJOIN(" ", TRUE, {1,2}),FALSE)

Goal: I would like to add a formula so when the ID is entered in the Employee Lookup tool, it will return the first & last name in the same cell.

Sheet1 - Employee Database

ID FirstName LastName
x11111 John Doe
x22222 Sarah Smith

Sheet2 - Employee Lookup by ID tool

ID First&LastName
x11111 =VLOOKUP(Sheet2!A2:A,Sheet1!A2:C,TEXTJOIN(" ", TRUE, {1,2}),FALSE)
x22222 Sarah Smith


  • try:

     VLOOKUP(Sheet2!A2:A, Sheet1!A2:C, {2, 3}, 0))),,9^9)))