I'm trying to put the data source from one sheet to the Chart in the other sheet. I'm able to achieve the data collection, but at the end, when we set the Source Data, it is throwing Run time error 1004 - Method 'Range' of object'_Global' failed.
Following is the code I'm using
Sub UBCharts()
Set Wb = ThisWorkbook
Set WsCharts = Wb.Sheets("Trend Charts")
Set UBMainChart = WsCharts.ChartObjects("UBMainChart")
Set UBMonthlyYTDSht = Wb.Worksheets("UM - Monthly & YTD Trend")
YearValue = WsCharts.Range("A1").Value
'LookupDate = CDate("" & "01/01/" & YearValue & "")
Xrows = UBMonthlyYTDSht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MatchStartRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(CDate(DateSerial(YearValue, 1, 1))), UBMonthlyYTDSht.Columns("A:A"), 0)
MatchEndRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(CDate(DateSerial(YearValue, Month(CLng((DateAdd("m", -1, Date)))), 1))), UBMonthlyYTDSht.Columns("A:A"), 0)
'ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("'UM - Monthly & YTD Trend'!$A$1:$L$1,'UM - Monthly & YTD Trend'!$A$14:$L$23")
On Error Resume Next
Set ChartRange = UBMonthlyYTDSht.Range(Cells(MatchStartRow, 1), Cells(MatchEndRow, Lcols))
Set ChartRngTitles = UBMonthlyYTDSht.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, Lcols))
On Error GoTo 0
RngStr = """'" & UBMonthlyYTDSht.Name & "'!" & ChartRngTitles.Address & "," & "'" & UBMonthlyYTDSht.Name & "'!" & ChartRange.Address & """"
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range(RngStr), PlotBy:=xlColumns 'I'm getting error here
'"'UM - Monthly & YTD Trend'!$A$1:$L$1,'UM - Monthly & YTD Trend'!$A$14:$L$23"
End Sub
Appreciate your help!
It might be easier to just use Union
UBMainChart.SetSourceData Source:=Union(ChartRangeTitles, ChartRange), PlotBy:=xlColumns