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How to add custom default value to Nullable type when creating table in clickhouse?

I want to be able to insert null values for specific rows, not by default For example: I hope to be able to insert null values for age, but if not specified then it's defaulted with the value 10.

create table mytable
            age Int null default 10,
            name String
        ) ENGINE = MergeTree()
        ORDER BY name


Code: 62, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Syntax error: failed at position 88 ('default') (line 3, col 26): default 10,
            name String
        ) ENGINE = MergeTree()
        ORDER BY name. Expected one of: CODEC, TTL, ClosingRoundBracket, Comma, COMMENT, token (version (official build))

the documentation says: NULL is the default value for any Nullable type, unless specified otherwise in the ClickHouse server configuration.

I think I have to find the correct setting on this page or I misunderstood the relationship between default values and Nullable type...


  • ClickHouse has a special syntax Nullable( <type> ) --> age Nullable(Int)

    create table mytable
                age Nullable(Int) default 10,
                name String
            ) ENGINE = MergeTree()
            ORDER BY name