How is
I know that it is parsed as a whole preprocessing number, but i dont get why, because, how can the operator "+" be a pp-number?
pp-number :
. digit
pp-number digit
pp-number identifier-nondigit
pp-number ’ digit
pp-number ’ nondigit
pp-number e sign
pp-number E sign
pp-number p sign
pp-number P sign
pp-number .
Here is no "+", so thats why i thought it is parsed as:
0xe + foo
What am I missing? I know the rule of maximum match, but how is the "+" sign a pp-number?
If I would have x+++++y
it is parsed as x ++ ++ + y
, which makes sense, but how is then 0xe+foo
not parsed as 0xe + foo
matches sign in the production you quoted.