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iBooks JavaScript resources

iBooks recently started supporting JavaScript inside epub. Where is this documented?

Are there any code examples to get started?


  • ** Update, one year later : This has been now documented for several months in the official Apple Docs available on iTunes Connect

    From what i've seen, you already have quoted the best known sources.

    I think that it is not documented anywhere in the official docs from Apple. Here are some elements from what I've experienced.

    Features supported by iBooks

    A lot of things that work on Safari work on iBooks too. You already have access to HTML5 features like internal DB, canvas, etc. The biggest problems I saw were related to slowness and vertical positionning. There are problems with pagination too : if you add content, pages are not added to the end and the content can overflow.

    Validation for the iBookStore

    Before being published on the iBookStore, it relates entirely on Apple's arbitrary validation when it comes to Javascript. I know at least one ePub with interactive forms and DB, that they have validated.