I want to instantiate a logger instance once and set some properties to it which can be used everywhere whenever I get the logger by that name, is this possible to do and how?
Example -
Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("MyLogger");
I want to set some properties on to this logger for my scheduled job with the job name -
logger.Property = job.Name;
public class Job{
Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("MyLogger");
logger.Property = job.Name;
//Call worker
public class worker{
Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("MyLogger");
public static Process(){
Here in the worker I want to log the Job name, whats the best way to achieve this? I want to extend this to any further calls made from the job or the worker.
You can consider to use the same Logger-instance everywhere, and use WithProperty:
public static class MyLogger {
public static Logger Instance = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger("MyLogger").WithProperty("Hello", World");
public class Job{
Logger logger = MyLogger.Instance;
logger.Property = job.Name;
//Call worker
Alternative you can consider making use of MDLC (Task Scope Properties) or GDC (Global Scope Properties)