im having a method to dispatch the action to query the account and select the account. I'm not sure if this is the best practice to select the data after dispatching.
this._store.dispatch(AccountsPageActions.loadAccountWithDetails({ accountId: this._accountId }));
this.account$ = this._actionsSubject.pipe(
filter(action => action.type === AccountsApiActions.loadAccountWithDetailsSuccess.type),
switchMap(() =>
tap(account => {
this.account = account;
this.accountId = this._accountId;
Can someone tell me a better practice to do this or is this the way to go?
I don't know why you need action subject, you can subscribe to actions using the code bellow and whenever there is a dispatch of that action it will trigger. keep action subscription in your constructor and then you can dispatch your action everywhere in your component
PLUCK is used to take the accountId value from the payload
import { Actions, ofType } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { map, pluck, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
constructor(private action: Actions) {
const sub = this.action.pipe(
switchMap((accountId) =>
tap(account => {
this.account = account;
this.accountId = this._accountId;
ngOnInit() {
this._store.dispatch(AccountsPageActions.loadAccountWithDetails({ accountId: this._accountId }));