I am building a WYSIWYG type application where a user can write CSS in a textarea and that CSS rule will be applied to the HTML on page i tried something like this in template
<textarea v-bind="css"></textarea>
<style v-html="css"></style>
VueCompilerError: Tags with side effect ( and ) are ignored in client component templates.
Add textarea with v-model:
<textarea v-model="css" />
You can create style tag in onMounted hook:
onMounted(() => { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; updateCss(style, css.value); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style); el.value = style; });
You must be able to access this element later, so assign style to el.value.
Then add watch on input value:
watch(css, () => { updateCss(el.value, css.value); });
Where updateCss is a function:
const updateCss = (el, css) => { if (el.styleSheet) { el.styleSheet.cssText = css.value; } else { el.innerHTML = ""; el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } };
I found much better solution:
<textarea v-model="css" />
<component :is="'style'" type="text/css" v-text="css"></component>
import { ref } from "vue";
export default {
setup() {
const css = ref("body { background-color: blue; }");
return { css };
Component doesn't throw the error about style tag:
<component :is="'style'">
Note that there is v-text instead v-html. V-html could be unsafe.
Demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/festive-germain-q9tg3?file=/src/App.vue:122-281