I want to check a list that is inside a Map value in a unit test using the AssertJ library:
public class Group {
List<Player> players = new ArrayList<>();
public Group(List<Player> players) {
Map<Character, Group> generatedGroups = receiveFromAnyMethod();
Inside a Map I have this:
A: Group A -> players(playerA, playerB)
How I check a list inside a Group? I think I should use a extracting, flatExtracting methods, but I don't know how.
Assuming that character
is the input key, and player1
and player2
are the expected content of the inner list, you can write:
.extracting("players", as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.LIST))
.containsExactly(player1, player2);
or with type safety, in case Group
offers a getPlayers()
.extracting(Group::getPlayers, as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.LIST))
.containsExactly(player1, player2);