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Text art/Banner Not Appearing In cmd Prompt (Unicode/ASCII)

I would like this to appear in cmd prompt either when I execute the file from cmd prompt or by running from a batch file:


I created a text file for it and tried to open that txt file within the batch file but it shows a bunch of gibberish. Here is the batch file code:

Art Gallery
color 0b
mode 300
ECHO Welcome to Art!

ECHO this is art
type Test1.txt
del null

I installed a braille font and added it to the registry but didn't appear under properties. I'm not too familiar with scripting so feel to give constructive feedback.

Thank you!


  • Thanks to a pointer by @Squashman we can add a small system FONT command, one of many by Jean-François Larvoire to switch console fonts on the fly.

    enter image description here

    You will need to ensure Font.exe from that lib is found in your current path or else add the full path into the code (remove the rem before set path). Note although I used MS Gothic others will also work and you can also set font style such as weight or use different character width/height.

    @echo off & cls & Title Face
    REM for this usage setlocal is surplus to requirement but included if needed later
    rem setlocal enableExtensions enableDelayedExpansion
    rem set "path=c:\wherever font.exe is e.g c:\utils\systools;%path%"
    for /f "delims=" %%f in ('Font -s') do @set "OLD_Font=%%f"
    Font "MS Gothic"
    for /f "tokens=2 delims=:."  %%c in ('ChCp') do @set "OLD_ChCp=%%~c"
    if not defined OLD_ChCp set "OLD_ChCp=850"
    ChCp 65001>nul
    for %%e in (
    ) do @echo %%e
    REM tidy-up
    Font %OLD_Font%
    set OLD_Font=
    ChCp %OLD_ChCp%>nul
    set OLD_ChCp=
    REM exit