I've got a 3 machine Cassandra cluster using rack unaware placements strategy with a replication factor of 2.
The column family is defined as follows:
create column family UserGeneralStats with comparator = UTF8Type and default_validation_class = CounterColumnType;
Unfortunately after a few days of production use I got some inconsistent values for the counters:
Query on replica 1:
[default@StatsKeyspace] list UserGeneralStats['5261666978': '5261666978'];
Using default limit of 100
RowKey: 5261666978
=> (counter=bandwidth, value=96545030198)
=> (counter=downloads, value=1013)
=> (counter=previews, value=10304)
Query on replica 2:
[default@StatsKeyspace] list UserGeneralStats['5261666978': '5261666978'];
Using default limit of 100
RowKey: 5261666978
=> (counter=bandwidth, value=9140386229)
=> (counter=downloads, value=339)
=> (counter=previews, value=1321)
As the standard read repair mechanism doesn't seem to repair the values I tried to force an anti-entropy repair using nodetool repair. It did't have any effect on the counter values.
Data inspection showed that the lower values for the counters are the correct ones so I suspect that either Cassandra (or Hector which I used as API to call Cassandra from Java) retried some increments.
Any ideas how to repair the data and possibly prevent the sittuation from happening again?
If neither RR nor repair fixes it, it's probably a bug.
Please upgrade to 0.8.3 (out today) and verify it's still present in that version, then you can file a ticket at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA.