I'm trying to build an index on using flexsearch and nodejs and store it on a local disk as it take quite a bit of time to build. The export seems to work, but when trying to import the file again with a new document index I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'import' of undefined
at Q.t.import (/opt/hermetic/hermetic/server/node_modules/flexsearch/dist/flexsearch.bundle.js:33:330)
at Object.retrieveIndex (/opt/hermetic/hermetic/server/build/search.js:86:25)
at Object.search (/opt/hermetic/hermetic/server/build/search.js:96:32)
at init (/opt/hermetic/hermetic/server/build/server.js:270:27)
I'm running nodejs version 14 and flexsearch version 0.7.21. Below is the code I am using:
import fs from 'fs';
import Flexsearch from 'flexsearch';
const createIndex = async () => {
const { Document } = Flexsearch;
const index = new Document({
document: {
id: 'id',
tag: 'tag',
store: true,
index: [
index.add({ id: 0, tag: 'category1', record: { a: '1 aaa', b: '0 bbb' } });
index.add({ id: 1, tag: 'category1', record: { a: '1 aaa', b: '1 bbb' } });
index.add({ id: 2, tag: 'category2', record: { a: '2 aaa', b: '2 bbb' } });
index.add({ id: 3, tag: 'category2', record: { a: '2 aaa', b: '3 bbb' } });
console.log('search', index.search('aaa'));
await index.export((key, data) => fs.writeFile(`./search_index/${key}`, data, err => !!err && console.log(err)));
return true;
const retrieveIndex = async () => {
const { Document } = Flexsearch;
const index = new Document({
document: {
id: 'id',
tag: 'tag',
store: true,
index: [
const keys = fs
.readdirSync('./search_index', { withFileTypes: true }, err => !!err && console.log(err))
.filter(item => !item.isDirectory())
.map(item => item.name);
for (let i = 0, key; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
key = keys[i];
const data = fs.readFileSync(`./search_index/${key}`, 'utf8');
index.import(key, data);
return index;
await createIndex();
const index = await retrieveIndex();
console.log('cached search', index.search('aaa'));
I was trying to find a way to export the index properly too, originally trying to put everything into one file. While it worked, I didn't really like the solution.
Which brought me to your SO question, I've checked your code and managed to find out why you get that error.
Basically the export is a sync operation, while you also (randomly) use async. In order to avoid the issue, you need to remove all async code and only use sync node.fs
operations. For my solution, I also only once created the Document store, to then just fill it via retrieveIndex() rather than creating new Document()
per function.
I also added a .json extension to guarantee that node.fs
reads the file properly and for sanity purposes - afterall it's json stored.
So thanks for giving me the idea to store each key
as file @Jamie Nicholls 🤝
import fs from 'fs';
import { Document } from 'flexsearch'
const searchIndexPath = '/Users/user/Documents/linked/search-index/'
let index = new Document({
document: {
id: 'date',
index: ['content']
tokenize: 'forward'
const createIndex = () => {
index.add({ date: "2021-11-01", content: 'asdf asdf asd asd asd asd' })
index.add({ date: "2021-11-02", content: 'fobar 334kkk' })
index.add({ date: "2021-11-04", content: 'fobar 234 sffgfd' })
(key, data) => fs.writeFileSync(`${searchIndexPath}${key}.json`, data !== undefined ? data : '')
const retrieveIndex = () => {
const keys = fs
.readdirSync(searchIndexPath, { withFileTypes: true })
.filter(item => !item.isDirectory())
.map(item => item.name.slice(0, -5))
for (let i = 0, key; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
key = keys[i]
const data = fs.readFileSync(`${searchIndexPath}${key}.json`, 'utf8')
index.import(key, data ?? null)
const searchStuff = () => {
console.log('cached search', index.search('fo'))