I'm new to learning JavaScript, I’ve searched many websites, and cannot find a solution so far.
I am making a mini-game on a base of snake, Can anybody help me make a point counter using javascript and html,
You can check out the game here!
and i would like to have it done using
<div id="points"<h1></h1></div>
and javascript;
var element = document.getElementById("points")
**Code here**;
hopefully someone can help me out!
You can make a span with the id points
<span id=points>? Points</span>
Then in js change the innnerText
const pointElement = document.getElementById('points')
function updatePoints(points) {
pointElement.innerText = points + ' Points'
Then run the update points
// If you want to load if from another varible
// get points from somewhere else
When you want it to update something would be like this in your code