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What causes error "error: '.class' expected"?

Please help me solve these errors.
These are the errors I'm getting after I have executed the java codes below.

/ error: '.class' expected
    double results=presentValue(double f, double r ,int n);
/ error: ';' expected
    double results=presentValue(double f, double r ,int n);
/ error: <identifier> expected
    double results=presentValue(double f, double r ,int n);
/ error: ';' expected
    double results=presentValue(double f, double r ,int n);
4 errors

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

/*This program computes a customers present
deposit to make to obtain a desired future
public class Deposit
  //Main method
  public static void main(String[] args)

    //Calling the present value method
    double results=presentValue(double f, double r ,int n);

    //Displaying the present value 
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You have to deposit: $" +results);

  public static double presentValue(double f, double r, int n)
    //Declaring the input variable
    String input;

    //Taking inputs from the customer
    //Future value
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter your desired future value:");
    f = Double.parseDouble(input);

    //Annual Interest Rate
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the annual interest rate:");
    r = Double.parseDouble(input);

    //Number of years
    input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the number of years:");
    n = Integer.parseInt(input);

    //Calculating the present value the customer has to deposit
    double p = f/Math.pow((1+r), n);

    //Returning the value to the present value method
    return p;



  • Go with function without arguments, since yours doesn't do anything.

    public class Deposit
      //Main method
      public static void main(String[] args)
        double results=presentValue();
        ... // same code
      public static double presentValue()
        double f,r;
        int n;
        ... // same code