I want to loop over my function SliderComponent, with different inputs, inside the Html in order to create several components. I found this solution online where we build string and return as Html, using "id" and "getElementById" but I can't make it work.
export function GrommetButtonEx() {
return (
<Grommet theme={grommetTheme}>
border={{ color: "grey", size: "medium" }}
background={{ color: "black", opacity: "strong" }}
style={{ borderRadius: "15px" }}
<Accordion style={{ color: "grey" }}>
style={{ height: "30px" }}
<Text color="white" weight="bold" size="small">
Joint Position
<div id="output_div"></div>
{/* This works
sliderName={"slider 5"}
window.onload = function () {
var outputHTML = "";
for (var k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
outputHTML +=
'<SliderComponent sliderName={"slider ' +
k +
'"} min={0} max={17} step={0.1}';
document.getElementById("output_div").innerHTML = outputHTML;
I got the following error for:
TypeError: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'innerHTML')
document.getElementById("output_div").innerHTML = outputHTML;
Is this the right way to do it, or is there a better way?
In react you can write Javascript inside the "HTML" (This is called JSX). You don't have to write any Javascript logic outside the function component.
Also, you don't have to use innerHTML, instead, you have to write in JSX (inside the HTML), and make it return an instance of the component for each time the loop runs.
And to replace the "onload"
you can use a hook called componentDidMount.
As for the question of how to write the loop logic in JSX (inside the HTML), here is a link to a similar question.