I wanted to profile my code in Julia and I installed the package "ProfileView.jl". However, when I run the code the windows is popping for a second and closing immediately.
I have run the script from VS Code and also from the terminal. The code I am profiling is:
using ProfileView
@profview Mesh,MatPointData, AnalysisConstants = setupfunc(T)
In general, you should run ProfileView interactively in a REPL, not as part of a script. If you're using VSCode, you want to start the Julia REPL (Ctrl-Shift-P and then Julia: Start REPL
); from the terminal, you want to run an interactive session, i.e., $ julia
and not $ julia somescript.jl
If you simply must use a script (again, not recommended because you'll lose access to some nice interactive functionality in ProfileView), see https://juliagraphics.github.io/Gtk.jl/latest/manual/nonreplusage/.