I have code on MainBacking.java like this :
public void init() {
// Blah...
ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext(); // line 10
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) context.getRequest(); // line 11
// Blah...
I made FacesContextProvider class too and here is my FacesContextProvider.java
public abstract class FacesContextProvider extends FacesContext {
private FacesContextProvider() {
private static final Release RELEASE = new Release();
private static class Release implements Answer<Void> {
public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return null;
public static FacesContext getCurrentInstance() {
FacesContext context = Mockito.mock(FacesContext.class);
return context;
And here is my test.java
FacesContext mockFacesContext = FacesContextProvider.getCurrentInstance();
HttpServletRequest mockRequest = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
ExternalContext mockExternalContext = Mockito.mock(ExternalContext.class);
// Run Test
mainBackingUnderTest.init(); // has been declare at top using @InjectMocks
When I run the test i got error null on MainBacking.java:11 Please help me. Thank You.
Thank You for all response, I've solved my problem by reading this article. I didn't know whats wrong when I'm using FacesContextProvider
I'm still got null error, but when I'm using Omnifaces to set the mocked FacesContext as current instance in my test-case, the null error was solved. Thank You!