Apache Beam update values based on the values from the previous row
I have grouped the values from a CSV file. Here in the grouped rows, we find a few missing values which need to be updated based on the values from the previous row. If the first column of the row is empty then we need to update it by 0.
I am able to group the records, But unable to figure out a logic to update the values, How do I achieve this?
customerId | date | amount |
BS:89481 | 1/1/2012 | 100 |
BS:89482 | 1/1/2012 | |
BS:89483 | 1/1/2012 | 300 |
BS:89481 | 1/2/2012 | 900 |
BS:89482 | 1/2/2012 | 200 |
BS:89483 | 1/2/2012 |
Records on Grouping
customerId | date | amount |
BS:89481 | 1/1/2012 | 100 |
BS:89481 | 1/2/2012 | 900 |
BS:89482 | 1/1/2012 | |
BS:89482 | 1/2/2012 | 200 |
BS:89483 | 1/1/2012 | 300 |
BS:89483 | 1/2/2012 |
Update missing values
customerId | date | amount |
BS:89481 | 1/1/2012 | 100 |
BS:89481 | 1/2/2012 | 900 |
BS:89482 | 1/1/2012 | 000 |
BS:89482 | 1/2/2012 | 200 |
BS:89483 | 1/1/2012 | 300 |
BS:89483 | 1/2/2012 | 300 |
Code Until Now:
public class GroupByTest {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
System.out.println("We are about to start!!");
final File schemaFile = new File(
File csvFile = new File(
Schema schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(schemaFile);
Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create();
// Reading schema
org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.Schema beamSchema = AvroUtils.toBeamSchema(schema);
final PCollectionTuple tuples = pipeline
// Reading csv input
.apply("1", FileIO.match().filepattern(csvFile.getAbsolutePath()))
// Reading files that matches conditions
.apply("2", FileIO.readMatches())
// Reading schema and validating with schema and converts to row and returns
// valid and invalid list
.apply("3", ParDo.of(new FileReader(beamSchema)).withOutputTags(FileReader.validTag(),
// Fetching only valid rows
final PCollection<Row> rows = tuples.get(FileReader.validTag()).setCoder(RowCoder.of(beamSchema));
// Transformation
//Convert row to KV
final Group.CombineFieldsByFields<Row> combine = Group.<Row>byFieldNames("customerId", "date")
.aggregateField("balance", Sum.ofDoubles(), "balances");
final PCollection<Row> aggregagte = rows.apply(combine);
PCollection<String> pOutput=aggregagte.apply(Select.flattenedSchema()).apply(ParDo.of(new RowToString()));
System.out.println("The end");
private static String getColumnValue(String columnName, Row row, Schema sourceSchema) {
String type = sourceSchema.getField(columnName).schema().getType().toString().toLowerCase();
LogicalType logicalType = sourceSchema.getField(columnName).schema().getLogicalType();
if (logicalType != null) {
type = logicalType.getName();
switch (type) {
case "string":
return row.getString(columnName);
case "int":
return Objects.requireNonNull(row.getInt32(columnName)).toString();
case "bigint":
return Objects.requireNonNull(row.getInt64(columnName)).toString();
case "double":
return Objects.requireNonNull(row.getDouble(columnName)).toString();
case "timestamp-millis":
return Instant.ofEpochMilli(Objects.requireNonNull(row.getDateTime("eventTime")).getMillis()).toString();
return row.getString(columnName);
Modified Code: Original code
final Group.CombineFieldsByFields<Row> combine = Group.<Row>byFieldNames("customerId", "date")
.aggregateField("amount", Sum.ofDoubles(), "balances");
Grouping by customerID
class ToKV extends DoFn<Row, KV<String, Row>> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8093837716944809689L;
String columnName1 = null;
public void processElement(ProcessContext context) {
Row row = context.element();
org.apache.beam.sdk.schemas.Schema schema = row.getSchema();
context.output(KV.of(row.getValue(columnName1).toString(), row));
public void setColumnName1(String columnName1) {
this.columnName1 = columnName1;
Grouping by customerID:
ToKV toKV = new ToKV();
PCollection<KV<String, Row>> kvRows = rows.apply(ParDo.of(toKV)).setCoder(KvCoder.of(StringUtf8Coder.of(), rows.getCoder()));
PCollection<KV<String,Iterable<Row>>> groupedKVRows = kvRows.apply(GroupByKey.<String,Row>create());
// Trying to grouping by date
PCollection<Row> outputRow =
.apply(ParDo.of(new GroupByDate()))
How to write the logic to convert Iterable to pCollection so that the date can be sorted.
class GroupByDate extends DoFn<KV<String,Iterable<Row>>, Row> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1345126662309830332L;
public void processElement(ProcessContext context) {
String strKey = context.element().getKey();
Iterable<Row> rows = context.element().getValue();
Avro schema:
"type" : "record",
"name" : "Entry",
"namespace" : "transform",
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "customerId",
"type" : [ "string", "null" ]
}, {
"name" : "date",
"type" : [ "string", "null" ],
"logicalType": "date"
}, {
"name" : "amount",
"type" : [ "double", "null" ]
} ]
Update To convert PCollection to Row[]
class KVToRow extends DoFn<KV<String, Iterable<Row>>, Row[]> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1345126662309830332L;
public void processElement(ProcessContext context) {
String strKey = context.element().getKey();
List<Row> rowList = new ArrayList();
Iterable<Row> rowValue = context.element().getValue();
rowValue.forEach(data -> {
Row[] rowArray = new Row[rowList.size()-1];
Suggested Code
Row[] rowArray = Iterables.toArray(rows, Row.class);
The method toArray(Iterable<? extends T>, Class) in the type Iterables is not applicable for the arguments (PCollection, Class)
Convert iterable to array
Row[] rowArray = groupedKVRows.apply(ParDo.of(new KVToRow()));
Multiple markers at this line - Type mismatch: cannot convert from PCollection<Row[]> to Row[] - 1 changed line, 2 deleted
Beam does not provide any order guarantees, so you will have to group them as you did.
But as far as I can understand from your case, you need to group by customerId
. After that, you can apply a PTransform like ParDo to sort the grouped Rows by date
and fill missing values however you wish.
Example sorting by converting to Array
static class SortAndForwardFillFn extends DoFn<KV<String, Iterable<Row>>> {
public void processElement(@Element KV<String, Iterable<Row>> element, OutputReceiver<KV<String, Iterable<Row>>> outputReceiver) {
// Create a formatter for parsing dates
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
// Convert iterable to array
Row[] rowArray = Iterables.toArray(rows, Row.class);
// Sort array using dates
.comparingLong(row -> formatter.parseDateTime(row.getString("date")).getMillis())
// Store the last amount
Double lastAmount = 0.0;
// Create a List for storing sorted and filled rows
List<Row> resultRows = new ArrayList<>(rowArray.length);
// Iterate over the array and fill in the missing parts
for (Row row : rowArray) {
// Get current amount
Double currentAmount = row.getDouble("amount");
// If null, fill the previous value and add to results,
// otherwise add as it is
// Output using the output receiver
KV.of(element.getKey(), resultRows)