I need to overload the ostream
operator with new functionality for a doubly linked Skip List class.
When I cout the instance of my class, I want it to iterate through my the levels of my skip list, and wherever the head
pointer is pointed to a nullptr
I want it to print the level name and a status of empty.
Would look something like:
After adding 7
Level: 4 -- empty
Level: 3 -- empty
Level: 2 -- empty
Level: 1 -- empty
Level: 0 -- 7
I need the number of levels to be dynamically entered. I try to assign int level = SkipList::maxLevels_;
but I get the error invalid use of non-static data member
I've made the ostream
a friend
. How can I instruct it access the maxLevels_
data member?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#ifndef SKIP_LIST_
#define SKIP_LIST_
using namespace std;
class SkipList
struct SkipListNode {
// Convenience constructor to create node, set its data, and set all pointers to nullptr
explicit SkipListNode(int data){
data_ = data;
next_ = NULL;
prev_ = NULL;
upLevel_ = NULL;
downLevel_ = NULL;
// data for SNode
int data_;
// link to next at same level
SkipListNode* next_;
// link to previous at same level
SkipListNode* prev_;
// link up one level
SkipListNode* upLevel_;
// link down one level
SkipListNode* downLevel_;
// maximum # of levels of SkipList, levels are 0 to maxLevels-1
int maxLevels_;
// array of maxLevels_ SkipListNode pointers as head pointers. For example,
// if maxLevels_ == 2, we'd have Heads[0] and Heads[1]. Dynamically allocated
// by constructor.
SkipListNode** heads_;
// array of maxLevels_ SkipListNode pointers as tail pointers.
SkipListNode** tails_;
// given a pointer to a SkipListNode, place it before the given nextNode
void addBefore(SkipListNode* newNode, SkipListNode* nextNode, int level);
// return true 50% of time,
// each node has a 50% chance of being at higher level
bool alsoHigher() const;
SkipList(){maxLevels_ = 1;}
SkipList(int maxLevels);
// virtual ~SkipList();
// return true if successfully added, no duplicates
bool insert(int item);
// item deletion; return true if successfully removed
bool erase(int item);
// return true if found in SkipList
bool contains(int item) const;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SkipList& list){
int level = SkipList::maxLevels_;
while (level >= 0) {
SkipListNode* temp = list.heads_[level];
if (temp == nullptr) {
os << "Level: " << level << "-- empty";
else {
while (temp) {
os << temp->data_ << " ";
temp = temp->next_;
os << endl;
refers to the static maxLevels_
member of the SkipList
So, if you need maxLevels_
to be the maximum level of all the instances of SkipList
you have to declare it as static
Otherwise in your overloaded friend function you have to use the private member of the list
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const SkipList& list){
int level = list.maxLevels_;