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Golang ethclient.Client - how to make RPC calls?

How to call RPC endpoints using ethclient.Client ( )?

Some methods don't have wrappers, and, as far as i can see, calling it directly is impossible e.g.

client, err := ethclient.Dial(url)

// ok

// incorrect code, trying to access private field `c *rpc.Client`
client.c.Call("debug_traceTransaction", ...)

The only way i can think of is spinning up totally separate rpc client and keep both running at all times. Is this the only way?


  • The ethclient.Dial function (which you mentioned) uses the rpc.DialContext function underneath, and the package also provides an ethclient.NewClient function to create a new ethclient.Client with an existing rpc connection.

    A possible solution could be to create a new rpc connection, then pass it to the ethclient.Client, so you're using one connection, but can use the RPC connection itself and the eth client as well.

    Something like this:

    rpcClient, err := rpc.DialContext(ctx, url)
    ethClient := ethclient.NewClient(rpcClient)
    // use the ethClient
    // access to rpc client