I have a small issue with the relational data table, here is my model, and the question is below this.
model User {
id String @id @default(dbgenerated()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
email String @unique
firstName String
rsvpedSessions Session[] @relation("Rsvped", fields: [rsvpedSessionId])
rsvpedSessionId String[] @db.Array(ObjectId)
notRespondedSessions Session[] @relation("notResponded", fields: [notRespondedSessionId])
notRespondedSessionId String[] @db.Array(ObjectId)
declinedSessions Session[] @relation("Declined", fields: [declinedSessionId])
declinedSessionId String[] @db.Array(ObjectId)
model Session {
id String @id @default(dbgenerated()) @map("_id") @db.ObjectId
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
title String
rsvpedUsers User[] @relation("Rsvped", fields: [rsvpedUserId])
rsvpedUserId String[] @db.Array(ObjectId)
notRespondedUsers User[] @relation("notResponded", fields: [notRespondedUserId])
notRespondedUserId String[] @db.Array(ObjectId)
declinedUsers User[] @relation("Declined", fields: [declinedUserId])
declinedUserId String[] @db.Array(ObjectId)
when I create the session by adding the user to the notResponded. I can see the user in notResponded array but, on User, I can't get the session under notRespondedSessions. It just links the user to the session but it doesn't link the session to the user.
I create the session with
return await prisma.session.create({
data: {
notRespondedUserId: args.userID,
and one more detail, when I try to Connect on notRespondedUsers, it says connect is not a valid arg.
do you have any idea what might be the reason?
If you want to create a session and connect it to an existing user
record, you should use the connect
API with the relation field in question (notRespondedUsers
) instead of trying to assign a value directly to notRespondedUserId
I think this is the query you're looking for:
await prisma.session.create({
data: {
notRespondedUsers: {
connect: {
id: args.userID // if there is more than one user, you can also pass an array of { id: string} objects to connect
You can find the syntax and details for connect
in the Prisma docs.