I'm trying to set 2 collections variables in the postman using a pre-request script by picking the id's from response body. There are two id's namely id and subId, I need to set both the id's in the collection variables only if the id is linked to subId.
Need to get id and subId from below json response (there may be multiple records where id doesn't have subId value). Please help me to solve this.
"result": [
"id": 26,
"name": "Testing",
"code": "TST-012",
"branches": [
"emailId": null,
"country": {
"shortName": "Niu",
"currency": "New Zealand Dollar"
"subId": [
"id": 46,
"name": "qa",
"code": "qa"
"id": 27,
"name": "Testing",
"code": "TST-012",
"branches": [
"emailId": null,
"country": {
"shortName": "US",
"currency": "US Dollar"
"subId": null
that contains subId
not nullconst res = pm.response.json();
const matchEle = res.result.find(e => e.subId !== null);
pm.collectionVariables.set("id", matchEle.id); //26
inside subId
const subIds = _.map(matchEle.subId, _.property("id"));
pm.collectionVariables.set("subIds", JSON.stringify(subIds)); //[46]
pm.collectionVariables.set("subId", matchEle.subId[0].id); //46