When I try to insert keys as params i receve this errors on nodemon: SyntaxError: Identifier 'name' has already been declared
this is my function on model:
const create = async (name, about, site) => {
const sql = 'INSERT INTO client (name, about, site) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', [name, about, site];
const [result] = await connection.execute(sql);
return result;
and my route:
router.post('/', async (req, res) => {
const { name, about, site } = req.body;
const data = await create(name, about, site);
this is my first crud. how i resolve this errors?
You cannot assign both the SQL string and the parameters array to one constant sql
. What you probably mean is
const create = async (name, about, site) => {
const [result] = await connection.execute(
'INSERT INTO client (name, about, site) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
[name, about, site]
return result;