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Map aggregate query result to correct attributes of POJO

I have a collection named Location which has couple of attributes of which I want to fetch only country code and country name.

When I'm using below aggregation query in Spring Data, all the attributes are getting mapped to the _id attribute of and not to individual countryCode and countryName attribute of the List. Please help me resolve the same.

public class AggregateQueryRepository {
ReactiveMongoTemplate reactiveMongoTemplate;
public Flux<Location> getAllCountryCodeAndCountry() {
        Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(group("countryCode", "countryName")
        return reactiveMongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, "location", Location.class);

Currently each object of the result looks like below:

{ "_id": "{\"countryCode\": \"IN\", \"countryName\": \"India\"}" }

I want to map it to something like below:

{ "_id": null,
"countryCode": "ÏN"
"countryName": "India"


  • If you must have it separately, you can consider using $first aggregation accumulator:

    Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(
        group("countryCode", "countryName")
    return reactiveMongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, "location", Location.class);

    ...or alternatively $replaceRoot aggregation stage:

    Aggregation aggregation = newAggregation(
        group("countryCode", "countryName"),
    return reactiveMongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, "location", Location.class);