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Spring data @Query insert, DBC style parameters (?) are not supported for JPA queries

I am trying to make a custom insert query in my interface that exnteds JpaRepository

public interface CustomerCouponDAO extends JpaRepository<CustomerCoupons, Integer>{

    @Query("INSERT into customer_coupons (customerId, couponId) values (?,?)")
    public void insert(Integer custid, Integer coup);


but when I get the exception:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JDBC style parameters (?) are not supported for JPA queries.

any ideas on how to make that insert query?


  • Use PersistentContext. Interface:

    public interface CustomerCouponDAOExtend {
        public void insert(Integer custid, Integer coup);


    public class CustomerCouponDAOExtendImpl {
        private EntityManager em;
        public void insert(Integer custid, Integer coup) {
            CustomerCoupons custCoupons = new CustomerCoupons();

    Also you can use persist, but in this case your necessary add CustomerCoupons custCoupons = em.find(CustomerCoupons.class, coup); to avoid problems if the row is already in DB. Extend your own interface:

    public interface CustomerCouponDAO 
        extends JpaRepository<CustomerCoupons, Integer>,CustomerCouponDAOExtend{

    UPDATE: Observe the naming convention that Spring finds implementation: if extend repository has name CustomerCouponDAOExtend then the implementation should be called CustomerCouponDAOExtendImpl.