I had a project that wanted to update the DNS configuration of Pod with Operator,
get dns message
get matched pod
pod.Spec.DNSConfig = CRD_SPEC
pod.Spec.DNSPolicy = corev1.DNSNone
But when I implemented it, I got the following error:
ERROR controller-runtime.manager.controller.dnsinjection Reconciler error {"reconciler group": "xxxx", "reconciler kind": "xxxxx", "name": "dnsinjection", "namespace": "default", "error": "Pod \"busybox\" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: pod updates may not change fields other than `spec.containers[*].image`, `spec.initContainers[*].image`, `spec.activeDeadlineSeconds` or `spec.tolerations` (only additions to existing tolerations)\n core.PodSpec{\n \t... // 21 identical fields\n \tPriority: &0,\n \tPreemptionPolicy: nil,\n \tDNSConfig: &core.PodDNSConfig{\n \t\tNameservers: []string{\n \t\t\t\"\",\n- \t\t\t\"\",\n \t\t},\n \t\tSearches: []string{\"ns1.svc.cluster-domain.example\", \"my.dns.search.suffix\"},\n \t\tOptions: []core.PodDNSConfigOption{{Name: \"ndots\", Value: &\"2\"}, {Name: \"edns0\"}},\n \t},\n \tReadinessGates: nil,\n \tRuntimeClassName: nil,\n \t... // 3 identical fields\n }\n"}
and DNSPoicy
fields are not declared to be unable to be updated in the source code, so why did the update fail?
I got the same error with kubect edit pod busybox
and kubectl apply -f modifyed_pod.yml(add DNSConfig)
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to solve it.
Like the message says you cannot update a DNS config of a pod: Forbidden: pod updates may not change fields other than spec.containers[*].image, spec.initContainers[*].image
If you want to inject a DNS config into all pods you need to add the configuration before the pod is created. Look into MutatingAdmissionWebhook as an approach for this.