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Replace Text in Word Document

I am using the NetOffice library to edit a Word document. In my document, I have a field "{NAME}" that I would like to replace with a value "John Smith". However, executing the following code does not work. Find.Execute returns false, indicating failure, and no change is reflected in document.Content.Text.

// Open the template
Application word = new Application();
Document document = word.Documents.Open(fileName, false, true);

// Set up initial behavior in word
word.Visible = false;

// Replace template with final values
foreach (LetterField field in fields)
    document.Content.Find.Text = "{" + field.Key + "}";
    document.Content.Find.Replacement.Text = field.Value;
    document.Content.Find.Execute(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, WdReplace.wdReplaceAll);

I also tried manually replacing document.Content.Text, but this removes all formatting from the page, which is also undesirable. How can I replace text in a document in NetOffice?

I notice that setting document.Content.Find.Text does not seem to do anything, as checking the value still yields "", even after setting it to something else. Is this intended behavior, or am I missing something?

The document contains the following (copied and pasted):

Date: {DATE}

Some fields are as follows:

<"NAME", "John Smith">
<"DATE", "10/28/2021">


  • I started with your sample, but, tried with a variation of the Execute method and it works fine for me.

            const string TemplateFileName = @"D:\Dev\SO\MyWordDoc.docx";
            const string ResultFileName = @"D:\Dev\SO\MyWordDoc_new.docx";
            var wordApp = new Application();
            var doc = wordApp.Documents.Open(TemplateFileName, false, true);
            var status = doc.Content.Find.Execute(findText: "{NAME}", 
                                        matchCase: false,
                                        matchWholeWord: false,
                                        matchWildcards: false,
                                        matchSoundsLike: false,
                                        matchAllWordForms: false,
                                        forward: true, //this may be the one
                                        wrap: false,
                                        format: false,
                                        replaceWith: "My Name Value", 
                                        replace: WdReplace.wdReplaceAll

    I used the syntax from:

    for the different parameters.

    It may be that you may need to Execute with forward parameters to be "True", i.e., the 7th parameter.

    Result document: enter image description here