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Excel data export fixing number errors/removing green triangles

After exporting data using a third party component the data in the excel sheet isn't type correctly. Excel thinks that some values are string while they are numbers and a little green triangle shows up.

We've coded the following to fix this:

For Each objCell As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range In objWorkSheetReport.Range(objWorkSheetReport.Cells(1, 1), objWorkSheetReport.Cells(Me.RowCount + 10, Columns.Count + 10)).Cells
    If IsNumeric(objCell.Value) Then
        objCell.Value = CDbl(objCell.Value)
    End If

This removes all those little green triangles but is really slow.

The question

Is there a faster way to convert a Range of data quickly so the green triangles don't show up?


  • Use the .SpecialCells() method of the range to narrow it down to only those cells that need to be changed.

    Assuming a range NarrowedRange and a worksheet Sheet (substitute your own range for A1:A8, and objWorksheetReport for your sheet)

    NarrowedRange = 

    will get you only the text value elements of your original range, so just change those accordingly.