I am trying to figure out if widget.onChanged
of RadioListTile<T>
is not null, but it seems like dart is very strict when it comes to generics, any suggestion on how I can check it?
(I am a little new to Fluter/Dart )
void testWidgetOnNUllDynamic(dynamic clbk) {
if (clbk != null) {
print('not null');
void testWidgetOnNUllCallback(Widget widget) {
if (widget is RadioListTile) {
// if (widget.onChanged != null) {
// //type '(String?) => void' is not a subtype of type '((dynamic) => void)?'
// print('Crash here');
// }
//attempt to erase the type
//This method is redundant
void testIfOnChangeIsNull(Widget widget) {
test('when widget is RadioListTile onChange test', () {
// <String> - Can be anything
RadioListTile<String> widget = RadioListTile(value: 'value', activeColor: 0, toggleable: true, onChanged:(value) => debugPrint('Test'), groupValue: null,);
I think that I understand the error I am not sure how to avoid it OR how to check of nallability without casting it to concrete type
Asked same question here
The answer came from here The easiest work around was to do something like that:
void testWidgetOnNUllCallback(Widget widget) {
if (widget is RadioListTile) {
if ((widget as dynamic).onChanged != null) {
print('wont crash any more');