Managed with the snippet below to change from the first image to the second image using the inline onclick javascript event. My question is; is there a way to change the second image back to first image when clicking on the second image with another inline Javascript event? ie. without writing a function.
<img class="first-image" src="/first-image.png" onclick="this.src=\'/second-image.png\'" alt="my images">
You can update your code like this:
<img class="first-image" src="/first-image.png" onclick="this.src==='/first-image.png' ? this.src='/second-image.png' : this.src='/first-image.png'" alt="my images">
Here is a working example:
<img class="first-image" src="" onclick="this.src==='' ? this.src='' : this.src=''" alt="my images">