I am not asking "how to validate enums".
Let's say I have request body like this one:
public class VerifyAccountRequest {
@Email(message = "2")
private String email;
What i am trying to do, instead of hardcoded way, i just want to return message's value from enum class. But IDEA is saying "Attribute value must be constant"
public enum MyEnum {
EMAIL("2", "info"),
public String messageCode;
public String info;
public class VerifyAccountRequest {
@Email(message = MyEnum.Email.code) // NOT_WORKING
private String email;
I can also define "2" in the interface, but i don't want to do that:
public interface MyConstant {
String EMAIL = "2";
public class VerifyAccountRequest {
@Email(message = MyConstant.EMAIL) // WORKS, BUT I HAVE TO USE ENUM !!!
private String email;
is it possible to return message value using enum class ?
The Java rules say that when you have an annotation, and it has a parameter that expects a primitive type (such as an int) or a String, the value must be a constant expression. You are trying to set a value on runtime. However, annotation attributes must have an exact value before the JVM loads the class, it'll show an error otherwise.
The structure element_value can store values of four different types:
So, a constant from an annotation attribute is a compile-time constant. Otherwise, the compiler wouldn't know what value it should put into the constant pool and use it as an annotation attribute. For more read this.