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How do I use INSTR in MASM?

I've been wrapped around the axle all day trying to figure out why INSTR isn't finding a carriage return in my text file. How do I get the INSTR macro to read the text and find the line breaks?

     CRLF db 13,10,0

    hFile DWORD ?
    bytesRead DWORD ?
    tmpstr BYTE 1825 DUP (?)


println_arr MACRO arr
    lea EAX, arr
    print EAX

    mov hFile, fopen("books.txt")
    mov bytesRead, fsize(hFile)
    mov bytesRead, fread(hFile, addr tmpstr, 1825)

    strpos TEXTEQU @InStr( , tmpstr, CRLF)

    print "Position of first instance of '"
    println_arr CRLF
    print "': "
    print str$(strpos), 13, 10

    fclose hFile


end start


  • It looks like the TEXTEQU directive evalutes its argument at assembly time rather than at runtime. You may have to find a different method to search for a string at runtime.

    Also, I'd just like to say that code looks nothing like what I'd expect assembly code to look like. Maybe I'm just old.