I am using ant design upload component to upload multiple files to the server.
const props = {
multiple: true,
showUploadList: false,
beforeUpload: () => {
return false
onChange: (info: any) => {
info.fileList.forEach((file: any) => {
formData.append("upload2[]", file.originFileObj)
formData.append("_charset_", "UTF-8")
formData.append("upload2-data", "")
uploadApiFunction(formData, (res: any) => {
res.text && message.success(res?.text, 4)
}, (err: any) => { console.log(err); setAttachmentLoader(false) })
<Upload {...props} fileList={[]}>
<PrimaryButton text="Add attachment" />
The api is getting called for each file when I upload multiple files. I want all the selected files should get uploaded to the server in a one single request.
Can anyone help me ?
onChange is called every time when the list of files changes, you need to transfer onChange call to another button as shown in the documentation