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How to union all common columns from every table in SQLite

For tables

C1 C2 C3
1  2  3
4  5  6

table t2:

C1 C2 C4
33 44 55

What query should be written to do a union of all common columns so that the result will be this:

C1  C2
1   2
4   5
33  44

Important to note that I'm not looking for a solution for only two tables but for a solution that does this for every table in the database. DB is SQLite


  • SQLite does not support dynamic sql, so the most that you can do by using its own capabilities is construct a SQL statement that would do what you want and you can execute it by using a programming language like Java or Python.

    This query:

    WITH tables AS (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table') 
    SELECT col
    FROM tables t CROSS JOIN pragma_table_info( pti
    GROUP BY col
    HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tables);

    returns all the columns that are common in all tables of the databse.

    By using GROUP_CONCAT() you can get all these columns as a comma separated list which you can use in a SELECT statement:

    WITH tables AS (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table') 
    SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(col) columns
    FROM (
      SELECT col
      FROM tables t CROSS JOIN pragma_table_info( pti
      GROUP BY col
      HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tables)

    Finally, concatenate the keywords 'SELECT' and 'FROM' and each table's name and with GROUP_CONCAT() once more and 'UNION ALL' (or 'UNION') as separator construct the sql statement:

    WITH tables AS (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table') 
    FROM ( 
      SELECT 'SELECT ' || 
          SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(col) columns
          FROM (
            SELECT col
            FROM tables t CROSS JOIN pragma_table_info( pti
            GROUP BY col
            HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tables)
        ) || ' FROM ' || name AS sql
      FROM tables

    This will return a string like:

    SELECT col1,col2 FROM table1 UNION ALL SELECT col1,col2 FROM table2 UNION ALL SELECT col1,col2 FROM table3

    which you can execute.

    See a simplified demo.