I want to have a simple enumDescr
function for any Scala 3 enum.
enum InvoiceCategory:
case `Travel Expenses`
case Misc
case `Software License Costs`
In Scala 2 this is simple (Enumeration
def enumDescr(enum: Enumeration): String =
s"$enum: ${enum.values.mkString(", ")}"
But how is it done in Scala 3:
def enumDescr(enumeration: ??) = ...
I don't see any common trait shared by all enum
companion objects.
You still can invoke the values
reflectively, though:
import reflect.Selectable.reflectiveSelectable
def descrEnum(e: { def values: Array[?] }) = e.values.mkString(",")
enum Foo:
case Bar
case Baz
descrEnum(Foo) // "Bar,Baz"