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Microsoft Office 365 Outlook. How to Change Teams-Meeting Join link

I want to create an Outlook Meeting, which references on a Microsoft Teams Team-Channel Meeting. I am searching for a way to change the link behind the Button you can see in the picture below.

enter image description here

I Switched to Development Options and found the Fields OnlineMeetingConfLink, SchedulingServiceMeetingOptionsUrl, SchedulingServiceUpdateUrl, SkypeTeamsMeetingETag, SkypeTeamsMeetingUrl, SkypeTeamsProperties.

I already tried to change it by myselfe but it didn't worked.

Dose anybody know how i can change the Meeting link?

Edit: I didnt used any code. I tried to change it manual in the second screenshot i added. I got there by click on "draw this formular". enter image description here


  • If you are trying to change the link to the generated Teams meeting, it is stored as a regular named property - you can see the property in OutlookSpy (I am its author). The value of the property can be changed using AppointmentItem.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty (the DASL name of the property is shown in the screenshot).

    OutlookSpy - IMessage