I'm accessing an iframe thru fancybox 3 with multiple ckeditor. It's working well but I want to track if a user has inputted anything on the textboxes so that I can change the button of the fancybox and give them an alert once they hit close. This is my JS code on the iframe page:
window.editors = {};
document.querySelectorAll( '.editor' ).forEach( ( node, index ) => {
.create( node, {
removePlugins: ['Heading', 'BlockQuote', 'CKFinderUploadAdapter', 'CKFinder', 'EasyImage', 'Image', 'ImageCaption', 'ImageStyle', 'ImageToolbar', 'ImageUpload', 'MediaEmbed'],
} )
.then( newEditor => {
window.editors[ index ] = newEditor;
} );
editors[ index ].document.on( 'change', () => {
console.log( 'Alert: The document has changed!, are you sure you want to close without saving?' );
} );
} );
But it's giving me an error:
ifram.php:1070 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'document')
at ifram.php:1070
at NodeList.forEach (<anonymous>)
at ifram.php:1060
I also tried taking this out off document.querySelectorAll() function
editors.document.on( 'change', () => {
console.log( 'Alert: The document has changed!, are you sure you want to close without saving?' );
} );
But it gave me another error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'on')
You could use newEditor.model.document.on('change:data')
<script src="https://cdn.ckeditor.com/ckeditor5/30.0.0/classic/ckeditor.js"></script>
<textarea class="editor"></textarea>
window.editors = {};
document.querySelectorAll( '.editor' ).forEach( ( node, index ) => {
.create( node, {
removePlugins: ['Heading', 'BlockQuote', 'CKFinderUploadAdapter', 'CKFinder', 'EasyImage', 'Image', 'ImageCaption', 'ImageStyle', 'ImageToolbar', 'ImageUpload', 'MediaEmbed'],
} )
.then( newEditor => {
window.editors[ index ] = newEditor;
newEditor.model.document.on('change:data', ()=> {
console.log( 'Alert: The document has changed!, are you sure you want to close without saving?' );
} );