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Why cube mesh becomes a plane when in high resolution?

I use the following code to generate a Cube as a single mesh. My purpose is to generate a sphere from it by normalizing as I have shown in the commented line (I just have to do that to all those statements in the following lines). The problem here is that the mesh changes from a cube to a flat plane as I keep increasing the resolution (parameter given as public int resolution).

(This code was inspired by this video . But I am using the technique in my own way as given by the following code, so that I can generate a single mesh instead of a combination of 6 meshes, this is required for my work)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Sc_Planet : MonoBehaviour
    [Range(2, 512)]
    public int resolution = 2;

    [Range(2, 256)]
    public int radius = 10;

    MeshFilter meshFilter;

    void OnValidate()

    void Initialize()
        if (meshFilter == null)
            GameObject meshObj = new GameObject("mesh_Planet");
            meshObj.transform.parent = transform;

            meshObj.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));
            meshFilter = meshObj.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
            meshFilter.sharedMesh = new Mesh();

        int xmax = resolution + 1;
        int ymax = resolution + 1;

        float dx = 1.0f / resolution;
        float dy = 1.0f / resolution;

        Vector3[] vertsTop = new Vector3[xmax * ymax];
        Vector3[] vertsRight = new Vector3[xmax * ymax];
        Vector3[] vertsFront = new Vector3[xmax * ymax];
        Vector3[] vertsBottom = new Vector3[xmax * ymax];
        Vector3[] vertsLeft = new Vector3[xmax * ymax];
        Vector3[] vertsBack = new Vector3[xmax * ymax];

        for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < xmax; x++)
                float px = dx * x - 0.5f;
                float py = dy * y - 0.5f;
                int t = x + y * xmax;

                //vertsTop[t] = new Vector3(py, 0.5f, px).normalized * radius;

                vertsTop[t] = new Vector3(py, 0.5f, px);
                vertsRight[t] = new Vector3(px, py, 0.5f);
                vertsFront[t] = new Vector3(0.5f, px, py);

                vertsBottom[t] = new Vector3(px, -0.5f, py);
                vertsLeft[t] = new Vector3(py, px, -0.5f);
                vertsBack[t] = new Vector3(-0.5f, py, px);

        List<int> trianglesList = new List<int>();
        for (int y = 0; y < ymax - 1; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < xmax; ++x)
                if (x % xmax != xmax - 1)
                    int f = x + y * xmax;

                    trianglesList.Add(f + 1);
                    trianglesList.Add(f + 1 + xmax);

                    trianglesList.Add(f + 1 + xmax);
                    trianglesList.Add(f + xmax);

        List<Vector3> verts = new List<Vector3>();
        Dictionary<Vector3, int> vdict = new Dictionary<Vector3, int>();
        List<int> triangles = new List<int>();
        int nextIndex = 0;

        void addFace(Vector3 [] in_verts, List<int> in_triangles)
            for(int i = 0; i < in_verts.Length; ++i)
                if (!vdict.ContainsKey(in_verts[i]))
                    vdict.Add(in_verts[i], nextIndex);

            for(int i = 0; i < in_triangles.Count; ++i)

        addFace(vertsTop, trianglesList);
        addFace(vertsRight, trianglesList);
        addFace(vertsFront, trianglesList);
        addFace(vertsBottom, trianglesList);
        addFace(vertsLeft, trianglesList);
        addFace(vertsBack, trianglesList);

        var mesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
        mesh.vertices = verts.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();

This code works in Blender (I used python to script it on Blender and it works very well for any resolution). The only problem is that when I use this in Unity, the meshes become weird as I have shown in the images I have attached below.

At Resolution = 96 : enter image description here

At Resolution = 122 : enter image description here

At Resolution = 182 : enter image description here

At Resolution = 344: enter image description here

Why is this happening? How should I correct it?

(I have also posted this in unity forums: Why cube mesh becomes a plane when in high resolution?)


  • Ok I found the answer. This is exceeding the limit of vertices on unity api for 16-bit based meshes. I had to change it to a 32-bit indexed mesh to correct it.

    Details are in this docuemntaiton page :

    I just had to add the code :

    mesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;

    That was it.