When I first press the button, it performs the first function, on the second press, it performs the second task when the third press I want to return and perform the same first function.
void blinkcursor(void);
int count = 0;
void blinkcursor(void)
if (button == 1) { //button pressed
if (count == 0) {
set_cursor_position (1, 2);
lcd_cout(0x0f); //cursor blink
button = 0;
else if(count == 1) {
lcd_cout(0x0c); //blink off
button = 0;
goto label;
You didn't say much about the overall structure of your program, so I am just going to assume that you have some main loop running that regularly checks the state of the button, performs any necessary debouncing, and sets button
to 1 whenever it detects that the button was pressed. I will also assume that the cursor is not blinking by default, and that the button is only used to toggle the blinking of the cursor.
Now just add a call to the following function in your main loop:
bool blink_enabled = false;
void update_blink(void)
if (button) {
// Button was pressed.
if (blink_enabled) {
// Turn off blinking.
blink_enabled = false;
else {
// Turn on blinking.
set_cursor_position(1, 2);
blink_enabled = true;
button = 0;
(You might need to add #include <stdbool.h>
at the top to get the bool type.)