I am trying to generate Swagger UI in my spring boot project. The JSON API docs are generated, however Swagger UI doesn't, at least I am getting 404 when I enter the swagger ui address. My dependencies:
However, when I remove this config (and do nothing else):
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
protected void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) {
registry.addConverter(new SomeEnumConverter());
registry.addConverter(new AnotherEnumConverter());
The Swagger UI works. Does Swagger UI have a problem with converters? Is there a workaround for the problem?
You need to add the @EnableWebMvc annotation
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
protected void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) {
registry.addConverter(new SomeEnumConverter());
registry.addConverter(new AnotherEnumConverter());
But I think the official way to configure WebMvc now is implementing WebMvcConfigurer. You can see several examples in the official docs. I think it does not require @EnableWebMvc if you use Spring Boot.
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
protected void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) {
registry.addConverter(new SomeEnumConverter());
registry.addConverter(new AnotherEnumConverter());