How to properly convert dto to json in Java? I do it like below with using ObjectMapper
ObjectDto dto;
byte[] json = new byte[0];
dto = service.getDto(someId);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
json = mapper.writeValueAsBytes(dto);
and the problem is in formatting date
field. In Dto i have my date in this format: 2021-09-27T12:06:27.990Z
but after convert this dto to json in bytes, I see that my date
is split into object with many properties like below:
I want to, after using ObjectMapper
to have all property from Dto
in this same format as before convert. How to do this?
Thanks for any help!
You should register a custom serializer
public class ItemSerializer extends StdSerializer<Item> {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addSerializer(Item.class, new ItemSerializer());
See the full explanation here :