I have a p-table and p-contextMenu which gives me right click options on the table. When I right click on a row of first table I am able to view my right click options. When I right click on a row of second table I am able to view my right click options, but not able to hide the menu for first table.
As seen in the image when I right click on second table, first table right click option still remains. https://i.sstatic.net/FtybH.jpg
<p-contextMenu #cm [model]="items" appendTo="body"></p-contextMenu>
<p-table [columns]="columns" [value]="tradeList" [(contextMenuSelection)]="selectedProduct"
[contextMenu]="cm" dataKey="id" [rowHover]=true styleClass="p-datatable-striped p-
selectionMode="multiple" [(selection)]="selectedTrade">
<ng-template pTemplate="header" let-columns>
<th pSortableColumn *ngFor="let col of getKeys(columns)" pReorderableColumn
pResizableColumn> {{col}}
<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-block let-columns="columns" let-
<tr [pContextMenuRow]="block" [pSelectableRow]="block"
<td *ngFor="let col of getKeys(columns)" (click)=fetchDataArray(block)>
ngOnInit(): void{
{label: 'Option 1',icon:'pi pi-user-edit'},
{label: 'Option 2',icon:'pi pi-user-edit'},
{label: 'Option 3',icon:'pi pi-user-edit'},
{label: 'Option 4',icon:'pi pi-user-edit'},
{label: 'Option 5',icon:'pi pi-user-edit'},
On click of a row of first table fetchDataArray function is called by which second table data is being fetched.
In ComponentBox file, I am calling the p-table which has been declared and passing the values as required for the tables.
<ng-template #tabdata>
<p-scrollPanel [style]="{width: '100%', height: '100%'}"
<app-data-table [tradeList]="data" [selectedEntity]="entity"
// This gives us first table data and on click event which is
//selectedTradeEvent is called click of a row to fetch data for second
<p-scrollPanel [style]="{width: '100%', height: '100%'}"
<app-data-table [tradeList]="table.value" [selectedEntity]="table.key"
[entityData]="entityData"> </app-data-table>
// This gives us second table data
Component-Box.ts file-
I had similar problem where I had one contextmenu on p-table and second one on openlayer map (some div), and when opening first one then second one both are showed on screen. This is how I solved my problem... I already had functions to show context menu (because I had to position them where I wanted), so when opening one of contextmenu's I explicitly call hide on other one... here is code:
<p-contextMenu #cmMap [ngStyle]="{'position':'absolute', 'z-index':'10000', 'top':mapContextMenuY+'px', 'left':mapContextMenuX+'px'}" [model]="mapContextMenuItems"></p-contextMenu>
<p-contextMenu #cmTab [ngStyle]="{'position':'absolute', 'z-index':'10000', 'top':tabContextMenuY+'px', 'left':tabContextMenuX+'px'}" [model]="tabContextMenuItems"></p-contextMenu>
@ViewChild('cmMap') cmMap: ContextMenu;
@ViewChild('cmTab') cmTab: ContextMenu;
openCmTableRow(event: PointerEvent, cm: ContextMenu, row: IClipboard) {
this.clipboardGeometrija = row;
const tableHolderRect: DOMRect = this.leftSidebar.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
this.tabContextMenuX = event.x - tableHolderRect.x;
this.tabContextMenuY = event.y - tableHolderRect.y;
openCmMap(event: PointerEvent, cm: ContextMenu) {
const kartaRect: DOMRect = this.karta.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
this.mapContextMenuX = event.x - kartaRect.x;
this.mapContextMenuY = event.y - kartaRect.y;