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Name chart title and axes automatically

I used this code to generate graph automatically over selected range of data but i also want to give it a title and names to axes automatically in one click for example i want to name x axis as subsection and y axis as count and i want to give a title to the chart as matrix graph how can i do that. Any help would really mean a lot Thanks in advance,sorry for any inconvenience

Sub create_embedded_chart()
Dim oChartObj As ChartObject

Set oChartObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Top:=0, Left:=0, Width:=50, Height:=50)
oChartObj.Chart.SetSourceData Sheets("Tracedata").Range("A1:C45")

End Sub

The graph


  • Please, test the next (updated) code:

    Sub create_embedded_chart()
        Dim oChartObj As ChartObject
        Set oChartObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(top:=0, left:=0, width:=200, height:=200)
        oChartObj.Chart.SetSourceData Sheets("Tracedata").Range ("A1:C45")
        With oChartObj.Chart
            .HasTitle = True
            .chartTitle.text = "Matrix graph"
            With .Axes(xlValue)
                .HasTitle = True
                With .AxisTitle
                    .Caption = "Count"
                    .Font.Name = "Arial"
                    .Font.Size = 10
                    .Font.Italic = True
                End With
            End With
            With .Axes(xlCategory)
                .HasTitle = True
                .AxisTitle.text = "Subsection"
            End With
        End With
    End Sub

    The chart