I am trying to follow this tutorial: http://playcontrol.net/ewing/jibberjabber/opengl_vertex_buffer_object.html
And I have received this error: unresolved external symbol _glGenBuffers
After having done some research I have found that Windows only supports OpenGL 1.1 unless drivers are installed. I have Intel HD Graphics with the latest drivers supporting OpenGL 2.1. I have also read that glGenBuffers was made apart of OpenGL in version 1.5. I am not understand why I am getting these errors...
After running the driver check on Intel's website I got this message:
Product Detected Intel® HD Graphics Current Driver Installed Your driver is current.
I have heard of some external libraries that help with this (glee or glew), but I do not want to use more libraries, I simply want to fix this problem by using the version of OpenGL that my graphics card supports...
You have basically provided your own answer. Windows indeed supports only OpenGL 1.1 entrypoints. This has nothing to do with whatever functionality your GPU/driver supports.
For anything in later versions of OpenGL you would either have to resort to loading them yourself via wglGetProcAddress (Bad idea) or by using something like GLEW. With GLEW you'll be able to easily query which extension are available and it takes a lot of pain out of the equation.
It's a very simple and small library and I would choose it any day over having to mess with this myself.